新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江女排3-0擒中华台北 亚俱杯摘铜创近5届最差

浙江女排3-0擒中华台北 亚俱杯摘铜创近5届最差

Zhejiang women volleyball team 3-0 to capture Chinese Taipei Ya Jubei pick copper hit the last five sessions of the worst

2015-09-20 21:33:26来源: 搜狐


Beijing time on September 20 days late, 2015 the 16th session of the women's volleyball team Ya Jubei to the closing date, led by Zhou Suhong, Wu Shenghe in command of Jiashan, Zhejiang Province Rural commercial bank, in the third war in straight sets three innings to 3-0 (25-14, 25-15, 25-15) swept the Chinese Taipei power company gains in the bronze medal,...