新关注 > 信息聚合 > 原创话剧《生命密码》:呼唤人间大爱


Original drama "life code": a call for human love people

2015-11-20 21:47:30来源: 人民网

演员们演技精湛 戏剧是关乎芸芸众生的文化行为,是表达人生爱恨情仇的舞台艺术。由中国保险协会、北京市演出有限责任公司和杭州话剧艺术中心联合出品制作的原创话剧《生命密码》(导演王延松、编剧夏强),自...

actors acting was superb drama is related to the multitudes of cultural behavior, expression of life, love hate Qingqiu stage art. By the China Insurance Association, Beijing City, show limited liability company and the Hangzhou Drama Art Center Co produced the original drama "life code" (director Wang Yansong, screenwriter Xia Qiang), since...