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"Xianjian Zhao Linger removable hand do design concept

2016-05-04 20:07:09来源: 新浪

《仙剑奇侠传》官方的大手办计划早在2015年下旬就已经正式启动,但随后并没有更多的消息曝出,玩家只知道第一弹将会是初代女神赵灵儿,终于在今日官方公布了更多关于赵灵儿手办的新情报,放出了手办的设计理念。 早先项目启动时,赵灵儿手办有两个概念计划,分别时“威风凛凛的战斗形象”和“仙灵岛出...

The official xianjian wonder white hand do plan has been officially launched as early as in late 2015, but then no more message Revelations, players only know the first bomb will be the original goddess Zhao Linger, finally in today's more about official Zhao Linger hand do new intelligence, released his hand do design concept. Earlier projects started, Zhao Linger hand do have two concept plan, respectively "commanding combat image" and "fairy island...