新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西侨办原主任变身音乐制作人 留存大师声音

广西侨办原主任变身音乐制作人 留存大师声音

Guangxi overseas Chinese Affairs Office director turned music producer retained the original master sound

2015-01-30 18:24:35来源: 人民网

广西侨办原主任李汉金在“龙韵金声”音乐会上讲话(王志升 摄) 图为“龙韵金声”音乐制作团队与艺术家合影(王志升 摄) 李自立(右一)与彭民雄在一起(王志升 摄) 中新网南宁1月30日电 ...

Guangxi overseas Chinese Affairs Office of former director Li Hanjin speech at the "dragon Yunjin acoustic concert" (Wang Zhisheng photo) map as the "dragon Yunjin" the sound of music production team and artists (Wang Zhisheng photo) photo Li Zili (right) with Peng Minxiong (Wang Zhisheng photo) in new in January 30, net of nanning...