新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十斤香米只卖28.9元,快来爱达APP抢购


Ten jin of rice sold only 28.9 yuan, come to IDA APP panic buying

2015-04-28 03:52:00来源: 新浪

记者 王静 有人模仿你的脸,也会有人模仿你的饭。这说的就是人和长粒优质香米,因为质地上乘,蒸煮出来的米饭香浓透亮,口感软糯甘甜,能吃出自然的味道,自然被人争相模仿。 香米又名香禾米、香稻,为...

reporter Wang Jing people imitate you face, there will be people like you. It is the people and the long grain quality rice, because of its fine texture, cooking out Steamed Rice fragrant bright, taste Ruannuo sweet, eat the natural flavor, natural to be imitated. Rice, also known as incense, fragrant rice, rice, as...

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