新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江网络打假将发社会征集令


Zhejiang network fake will social call up orders to the newspaper

2015-07-15 10:13:14来源: 新浪

本报杭州7月14日电 记者王春 通讯员何颖 沈志豪 7月13日,浙江省工商局联合阿里集团召开2015红盾网剑专项行动部署会,针对消费者、经营者和社会大众反映强烈的电子产品、汽车配件、服装鞋帽、儿童老年用品、农资等重点商品和突出问题,将从7月开始,开展为期5个月的专项行动,净化网络购物环境...

Hangzhou July 14 (reporter correspondent Wang Heying Zhihao Shen July 13, the commerce and Industry Bureau of Zhejiang Province, Ali group jointly held 2015 red shield nets the sword of the special action will be deployed for consumers, business operators and the public anti reflect the strong electronic products, auto parts, clothing shoes and hats, children older products, agricultural and other key commodities and the prominent question, will be from July, carried out for a period of 5 months of the special action, purifying the environment of network shopping...