新关注 > 信息聚合 > 品牌大促向微商蔓延:良品铺子周黑鸭参战


Big brand promotion to the micro business spread: Ichiban shop week coot war

2015-07-07 15:14:43来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】7月7日消息,亿邦动力网了解到,近日微商第三方平台有赞商城联合良品铺子、周黑鸭、龙润等品牌商推出微商跨界大促活动,欲借助大促搅动微信粉丝市场。 据悉,天猫、京东等的618大促刚刚过...

[Yibang power network news] news, July 7, billion state power network has learned, recently derivative third-party platform have mall combined Ichiban shop, week coot, longrun praise and brands to launch micro cross-border business promotion activities, want to help promote micro agitation fan letter market. It is reported that lynx, Jingdong and other 618 to promote just over...