新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一言不合就开撕? 看当红艺人如何处理不和传闻

一言不合就开撕? 看当红艺人如何处理不和传闻

A word is not open tear? See how to deal with rumors of popular artists

2016-07-15 04:16:38来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京7月15日电(记者 李萌)13日,备受关注的电影《盗墓笔记》和热门电视剧《青云志》同时在北京举办发布会,巧合的是,两场活动上,分别上演了南派三叔替鹿晗、井柏然澄清不和传闻,杨紫和赵丽颖否认...

Beijing on July 15 Xinhua (reporter Li Meng) 13, has attracted much attention in the movie "Tomb notes" and the hit TV show "Albatron ambition, also in Beijing held a press conference, the coincidence of is, the two events were staged southern pine uncle for Luhan, Jing Boran clarify the discord rumors, and Zhao Liying Yang Zi denied...