新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甘肃省高考成绩已公布 填志愿前这些事要弄明白

甘肃省高考成绩已公布 填志愿前这些事要弄明白

Gansu province college entrance examination results published before fill volunteer to understand these things

2016-06-23 10:26:16来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

原标题:填志愿前这些事要弄明白 明起填志愿;高考录取7月5日开始,8月25日结束 6月22日,记者从省教育考试院获悉,甘肃省2016年普通高校招生将于6月25日开始第一次填报志愿,甘肃省高考...

The original title: before fill volunteer to understand these things Ming fill volunteer; College entrance examination admission on July 5 to 25 August end on June 22, a reporter from the provincial education ets, gansu province in 2016 the ordinary university recruitment of students will begin on June 25 for the first time application, gansu province college entrance examination...