新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国央行按兵不动 英镑料创2009年以来最佳周线表现

英国央行按兵不动 英镑料创2009年以来最佳周线表现

The Bank of England on hold pound feed a best weekly performance since 2009

2016-07-15 17:18:48来源: 新浪

FX168财经报社(香港)讯 周五(7月15日)英镑料创下2009年以来最佳周度表现,因预期英国政局和经济面相对平静,但上月公投结果为退欧的整体风险让英镑无法升破1.34的2周高点。 市场许多分...

FX168 FINANCE newspaper (Hong Kong) News Friday (July 15) hit the best pound feed weekly performance since 2009, in anticipation of the British Council and its economy is relatively calm, but the result of the referendum last month to back the overall risk of the EU sterling Unable to rise above the two-week high of 1.34. Many sub-markets ...