新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哈尔滨小学生建军节进警营 敬队礼祝“叔叔们节日..

哈尔滨小学生建军节进警营 敬队礼祝“叔叔们节日..

Harbin pupils army day into police camps salute wish "uncles Festival..

2015-08-01 16:57:31来源: 人民网黑龙江频道


people net Harbin 8 month 1, Wang Jing, Mou Haiwei 8 month 1 Army Day festival, in Harbin City following the red elementary school teachers and students and parents on behalf of a total of 40 people, walked into the people's black dragon river channel build units, the Armed Police Gold Three detachment of police camps. The children here for the first time feel the military life, with a sincere young...