新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玉林园博园贵港园:岭南“风”吹荷飘香


Guigang Linyuan Bo Yu Garden Park: Lingnan "wind" blowing Dutch fragrance

2016-06-07 17:25:43来源: 广西新闻网

贵港园鸟瞰图 内湖景观 “贵港园建成之后,将会是带有一点古典园林,以及中式岭南风格园林这两种风格结合起来的一个小型庭园。”昨日,记者随玉林市城乡规划建设院风貌所副所长车勇军进入园博园贵港园施工...

Guigang Park aerial view Lake View "after Guigang park is completed, it will be a bit of classical gardens, as well as Chinese Lingnan style garden these two styles combine a small garden." Yesterday, the reporter with the Yulin City Planning and Construction hospital style Yongjun, deputy director of the car to enter the garden Expo Park Guigang construction ...