新关注 > 信息聚合 > "买学区房不如卖房移民美国"戳国人痛点 疑似中介..

"买学区房不如卖房移民美国"戳国人痛点 疑似中介..

"Buy the school district room than selling immigrated to the United States" poke pain points Suspected mediation..

2016-04-15 02:53:32来源: 国际在线

国际在线报道(记者 邱溱湘):近日,一条《再见北京》的微博被网友刷爆。 微博内容讲述了一位通过自己努力打拼,在北京买房买车,并且站稳脚跟成为一名中产阶层的经历。为了把儿子送进重点小学,他原本打算...

International online report (reporter Qiu Qin xiang) : recently, a "goodbye Beijing weibo by netizens maxed. Weibo content tells the story of a struggling through oneself, in Beijing to buy a house to buy a car, a foothold and become an experience of the middle class. In order to send the son into the key primary school, he was going to...