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养鸡场播放莫扎特钢琴曲 营造健康生长环境

Farm playing Mozart Piano create a healthy growth environment

2015-05-19 10:35:25来源: 人民网

中新网5月19日电 据外媒19日报道,东南亚一家禽食品企业,近日在马来西亚永平的养鸡场播放古典音乐及采用柔和灯光,营造适合鸡生长的环境。 随着多地出现食品安全丑闻,不少肉类供应商近年都开始作出改变,不再用化学品或抗生素催谷牲畜生长,其中东南亚一家禽食品企业放弃在饲料中加入抗生素,转而...

5 month 19, according to foreign media 19 reports, a poultry food enterprises in Southeast Asia, recently in Malaysia Yongping farm playing classical music and the soft light, and create a environment for the growth of chickens. With many food safety scandals, many meat supplier in recent years have begun to make a change, no longer use chemicals or antibiotics beefing up livestock growth, including a poultry food enterprises in Southeast Asia give up the addition of antibiotics in the feed, instead.