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大屏独显本仅3K 三星Notebook3黑色评测

Screen showing the 3 k only samsung Notebook3 black evaluation

2016-09-16 18:21:14来源: 中关村在线

三星产品一贯给人的印象就是高颜值+黑科技,无论是手机还是仅840g的Notebook 9,都会让人眼前一亮,当然价格方面也是妥妥的旗舰水平。而以高颜值著称的三星笔记本却迎来了一款售价亲民的产品——Notebook 3(300E5K),其售价仅3999元(苏宁),却拥有全高清的屏幕、酷睿i...

Samsung that always gives the impression of the product appearance, high level + black science and technology, mobile phone or just 840 g Notebook 9, can let a person shine at the moment, of course the price also is no problem the flagship of the level. And is famous for its high level of appearance of samsung Notebook is in the price of a populist product - Notebook (300 e5k) 3, the price is only 3999 yuan (su), has a full hd screens, core I...

标签: 三星