新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电话亭、黑板报… 谁来唤醒“沉睡”的公用设施

电话亭、黑板报… 谁来唤醒“沉睡”的公用设施

Booth, blackboard... Who awakens sale of water machine, a district of "sleeping" utilities

2015-05-18 07:54:50来源: 浙江在线

一小区的售水机,本该5个月换内置,但贴着的更换时间停留在2014年7月。 浙江在线05月18日讯 (钱江晚报记者 杨晓轩)在你穿行杭城街头,不知注意到没有,那些当年生活离不开的城市公用设施,如今有...

. The five month for built-in, but close to the replacement time stay in July 2014. Zhejiang Online May 18 hearing (Qianjiang Evening News reporter Xiao Xuan Yang) as you make your way through the streets of Hangzhou, I noticed that there was no, the year of life can not be separated from the urban public facilities, and now...