新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姚晨晒与唐嫣、窦骁等亲密合照(图)


Yao Chenshai and Tangyan, Shawn Dou, intimate photo 9 months (Figure)

2015-09-15 15:24:36来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月15日电 今日下午,姚晨通过微博晒出一组与唐嫣、窦骁等的亲密合照,并留言称,“一个时装周,把合作过的小伙伴又都聚到了一起。扭起来!扭腰,别扭胯”。 照片中,姚晨与唐嫣在飞机上紧搂合影,...

15 electric afternoon, Yao Chen through the microblogging drying out a group and Tangyan, Dou Xiao, intimate photos, and a message said "a fashion week, the cooperation partners and are gathered together. Twist! Waist, hip ". In the photo, Chen Yao and Tang Yan in his photo a plane,...