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阿莱格里新赛季可变招祭433 复刻里皮时代最强阵

Allegri new season variable strokes offering 433 engraved Lippi era strongest squad

2015-07-01 19:28:36来源: 网易

引进曼祖基奇和迪巴拉之后,加上原有的莫拉塔,阿莱格里拥有堪比昔日里皮时代的锋线三叉戟,后特维斯时代的斑马军团火力将有增无减? 网易体育7月1日报道: 送走头号得分手特维斯,新赛季尤文的进攻线还能...

introduction Keech and Dibala, together with the original morata, Allegri has comparable to the former Lippi era striker Trident, Carlos Tevez in the era of the Bianconeri firepower will have unabated? Netease Sports News reported in July 1st: the number one to break up Tevez, the new season Juventus attack line can...