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严惩!麦孔彻夜未归激怒邓加 遭主帅踢出国家队

Severely punish! Maicon stayed out all night annoy Dunga was kicked out of the national team coach

2014-09-08 12:34:49来源: 华体网

麦孔被踢出巴西国家队 北京时间9月8日,巴西队发言人里纳尔迪宣布,罗马球星麦孔已经被踢出巴西国家队,顶替他的是摩纳哥新星法比尼奥。根据《米兰体育报》的报道,麦孔在国家队彻夜未归,激怒了主帅邓加,因此被国家队踢出。 在主帅邓加接手巴西队之后,麦孔再次入选国家队。在与哥伦比亚的热身赛...

Maicon was kicked out of the national team of Brazil Beijing time on September 8th, the Brazil team spokesman Rinaldi announced, Rome star Maicon has been kicked out of the national team of Brazil, his replacement is Monaco star Fabienne obama. According to "Milan sports newspaper" reported, Maicon in the national team stayed out all night, angered coach Dunga, therefore, is the national team play. After taking over the Brazil team in the coach Dunga, Maicon was elected to the national team. In Columbia warm-up...