新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哥伦比亚主帅:球队需要时间找节奏 对巴西不变阵

哥伦比亚主帅:球队需要时间找节奏 对巴西不变阵

Colombia Coach: the team need time to get some rhythm of Brazil invariant array Netease

2015-06-15 10:10:26来源: 网易

哥伦比亚主帅佩克尔曼承认球队没有找到比赛节奏,但他表示下一轮面对巴西时不会改变战术。而委内瑞拉将帅则为获胜感到非常高兴,并且把胜利献给祖国和人民。 网易体育6月15日报道: 在今天凌晨进行的美洲...

Colombia coach Jose Pekerman admitted that the team did not find the pace of the game, but he said the next round face Brazil won't change tactics. But Venezuela is general feel very happy to win, and to win to the motherland and the people. Netease sports in June 15th reported: in the early morning of the americas...