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The conti drill three central defenders, Ivan had been abandoned

2016-10-01 16:25:04来源: 华体网

体育10月1日讯 《每日邮报》报道,切尔西主帅孔蒂为解决蓝军的防守问题演练起了三中卫阵型,而塞尔维亚后卫伊万诺维奇可能遭到弃用。 据悉,伊万在特里继续伤缺的情况下将被排除出切尔西对阵胡尔城比赛的首...

Sports on October 1, the daily mail reported that Chelsea boss conte to solve the problem of Chelsea's defensive drills the three central defenders formation, and the Serbian defender branislav ivanovic may have been abandoned. It is reported, Ivan in the terry continue to harm the lack of cases will be against hull city out of Chelsea's first...