新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星Note7发布会:不只是手机


Samsung Note7 conference: not just a mobile phone

2016-07-27 07:12:06来源: 大河网

三星Note7发布会前瞻:全新Gear VR大亮 据外报道,适配三星Note7的下一代Gear VR即将登场。这款全新的VR头戴设备名为New Gear VR(全新Gear VR),其最大特色在...

Samsung Note7 conference preview: new Gear VR big bright According to outside, the next generation of adapter samsung Note7 Gear VR soon. The all-new VR wore a device called New Gear VR New Gear (VR), its biggest characteristic in...

标签: 三星