新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星辉石这么廉价了吗 170W收六级星辉石

星辉石这么廉价了吗 170W收六级星辉石

Splendor of stone so cheap? 170 w level 6 splendor of stone

2016-09-14 23:57:57来源: 17173

文章 摘要 早上见有个人在世界上喊了半天170W收六级星辉石,我当时并没有在意,以为少打了个0,不过转念一想,1700万也收不来六级星辉石啊,然后我出于好心M了收主。 早上见有个人在世界上...

Article in the morning to see a man in the world to shout along while 170 w level 6 splendor of stone, I didn't care, thought less played a 0, but on second thought, 17 million also close not to six levels of splendor of stone, then intentions I M the master. In the morning to see a man in the world...