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中国不再是苹果第二大市场 在华收入暴降33%

No longer is apple's second-largest market in China Revenue in China by 33%

2016-07-27 14:33:17来源: 环球网

中国不再是苹果第二大市场了。 苹果今天凌晨盘后公布财报显示,在过去的三季度里,共卖出4040万部iPhone手机,尽管同比下滑15%,但略高于华尔街预期,苹果股价盘后大涨超过7%。但是中国真正丢失了作为苹果第二大市场的称号。 2015年第二财季,苹果在中国的营收达到168亿美元,中国...

China is no longer is apple's second-largest market. Apple today in the morning after, according to the results published in the past in the third quarter, has sold 40.4 million iphones, although fell 15%, but slightly higher than Wall Street expected, apple shares rose more than 7%. But China really lost as the title of apple's second-largest market. In 2015 in the second quarter, apple's revenue in China reached $16.8 billion, the Chinese...

标签: 苹果