新关注 > 信息聚合 > 首个"最美教室"落户 30名留守儿童与父母视频通话

首个"最美教室"落户 30名留守儿童与父母视频通话

The first "is the most beautiful classroom" video calls in 30 left-behind children and their parents

2016-07-04 16:58:45来源: 中国青年网


Cai Zhuang new sheng shop yesterday, shandong dezhou xiajin town primary school official opening of the most beautiful classroom ", this is the Chinese Red Cross foundation best food public welfare fund built the first "is the most beautiful classroom". On the same day, the first batch of 30 left-behind children, through the computer network and working parents realize the video calls in the distance. It is understood that the "most beautiful classroom" is intended to through hardware improvement and voluntary services, implementation of left-behind children and their parents form company, called for society to "small...

标签: 视频