新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这个行业 中国销售额创世界第一!有人却说是洪水猛兽

这个行业 中国销售额创世界第一!有人却说是洪水猛兽

The sales of this industry in China is the first in the world. Some people say is great scourges

2018-02-12 10:17:52来源: 凤凰财经

近日, 2017 年的《中国游戏产业报告》发布,报告里的数字让人吃惊,最明显的特征就是——用户更舍得花钱了。网络游戏对于青少年的影响,引起了国家相关部门的高度重视2017年12月底,中宣传部、国家新闻出版广电总局等八部委联合印发《关于严格规范网络游戏市场管理的意见》 部署对网络游戏违法违...

Recently, the China game industry report released in 2017, the number in the report is amazing. The most obvious feature is that users are more willing to spend money. The influence of online games for young people, caused by the relevant departments of the state attaches great importance to the end of December 2017, in the Propaganda Department, the State Press and Publication Administration and other eight ministries jointly issued "on the strict norms of network game market management advice" illegal deployment of network game...