新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林建岳长女哥大毕业 将嫁常委何柱国之子

林建岳长女哥大毕业 将嫁常委何柱国之子

Peter Lam eldest daughter graduated from Columbia to marry the son of the Standing Committee of Charles Ho

2014-03-14 14:57:07来源: 中国青年网

林恬儿私生活豪放 林恬儿 新浪娱乐讯 近日,香港富商寰亚集团老板林建岳长女林恬儿传出婚讯,将嫁全国政协常委何柱国儿子何正德。林恬儿集美貌、身材、性格及智慧于一身,被媒体誉为香港最顶级的千金美女...

Lin Lin Tien Tien child privacy uninhibited children LOS ANGELES Recently, the Hong Kong businessman Media Asia Group boss Peter Lam Lin Tien eldest child came marriage hearing, the CPPCC National Committee will marry He Zhengde Standing son Charles Ho. Lin Tien children set beauty, stature, personality and intelligence in one, by the media as the daughter of Hong Kong's top beauty ...