新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佳能5Ds单机售18450元


Canon 5DS single sale Canon Beijing market 18450 yuan

2015-07-14 09:50:25来源: 大河网

北京行情 佳能5DS作为佳能全新推出的一款旗舰级单反相机,其搭载了EOS史上最高的约5060万有效像素的全画幅CMOS传感器,并且配备了2块DIGIC 6影像处理器以及高密度的61点AF系统,能够带...

5DS as Canon's new launched a flagship SLR cameras, which is equipped with a history of EOS to a maximum of approximately 50.6 million effective pixels of a full frame CMOS sensor, and equipped with two DIGIC 6 image processor and high-density 61 point AF system, can take.