新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超值全画幅入门必备 索尼A7仅售7900元

超值全画幅入门必备 索尼A7仅售7900元

Introduction to bargain full-frame necessary SONY A7 for 7900 yuan

2016-12-31 20:33:33来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】索尼A7不仅拥有一块2400万像素的全画幅传感器,117点的自动对焦系统也让这款相机有着不输单反的表现。相机的体积十分小巧,其优异的便携性让它更加的受欢迎。目前这款套机(2...

SONY A7 IT168 what worth buying 】 【 not only have a 24 million - pixel full-frame sensor, 117 autofocus system also show that the camera has not lose SLR. The volume of the camera is very small, its excellent portability makes it more popular. At present this set of machine (2...

标签: 索尼