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北影表演学院报录比达114:1 更看重综合素质

North college of performing arts at recorded more than 114:1 more weight is given to the overall quality

2017-02-08 15:16:01来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京2月8日电(记者 宋宇晟)8日,北京电影学院艺考拉开大幕。中新网(微信公众号:cns2012)记者根据北影党委常委、表演学院院长张辉提供的数据计算,北影表演学院报录比约为114:1。张辉称...

Beijing, Beijing Feb. 8 (xinhua Song Yusheng) 8, Beijing film academy art on their shoulders. News agency (WeChat public number: cns2012) reporter according to bfa data provided by the standing committee of the party committee, the acting dean zhang hui, north college of performing arts to record than about 114:1. Zhang hui said...