新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2020万像素黑卡 索尼RX100全网最低2199

2020万像素黑卡 索尼RX100全网最低2199

20.2 million pixel carte Noire Sony rx100 over the lowest 2199

2015-05-13 15:36:44来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】出门旅行需要一只好用的相机,要说便携与高画质兼具,那首推索尼的黑卡系列。RX100是很适合旅游党的一款卡片机,轻巧简洁的外形,优雅的黑色机身,像素高达2020万,关键自动对...

[IT168 what worth buy] travel requires a had no choice but to use the camera, to say both portable and high quality, the devaluation Sony's black series. RX100 is a card machine that is very suitable for the tourism party, compact and compact appearance, elegant black fuselage, the pixel is as high as 20200000, the key automatically to...

标签: 索尼