新关注 > 信息聚合 > 俞灏明:还没准备好谈当年的事 祝福杨幂刘恺威

俞灏明:还没准备好谈当年的事 祝福杨幂刘恺威

Yu Haoming: not yet ready to talk about those things blessed Yang Mi Hawick Lau

2013-06-20 19:59:42来源: 中国青年网

俞灏明谈两年前受伤后与女友分手,网友纷纷猜测是杨幂。(资料图) 近两天,俞灏明和杨幂曾经交往的新闻占据了各大报纸和网络的头条。原本只是一则两年前的旧闻,为何如今却被拿出来大做文章?俞灏明和杨幂当下都在宣传期,难免会被认为拿此事来炒作。又因为网友推算俞灏明和杨幂分手时正是男方灼伤康复期...

Yu Haoming about two years ago after the injury and girlfriend, netizens guess is Yang Mi. (data) for nearly two days, Yu Haoming and Yang Mi had intercourse news occupy each big newspaper headlines and network. Originally just a two years ago news, why is now out to make a fuss? Yu Haoming and Yang Mi are at present promotional period, will inevitably be considered to take the matter to hype. Because Yu Haoming and Yang Mi broke up when the netizen reckoning is the man burn rehabilitation...