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太阳神降临 艾尔之光露希尔全新冰装

The sun god come Elsword Lucille new ice loading al Sina

2015-09-28 15:41:10来源: 新浪

2015韩国3D漫画格斗网游《艾尔之光》以清新的画面、萌系的人设,爽快的战斗体验、激烈的PVP对战等特色玩家的喜爱。同时,游戏内华丽多变的服饰也是吸引玩家的重要因素。 《艾尔之光》在本周更新后,新增一套“露希尔”全新的挫冰机时装”太阳神索雷斯”。该套时装不仅外观华丽,属性也极佳,必定...

2015 South Korea 3D cartoon fighting games "light" to fresh picture, Meng Department of backstory, readily combat experience, intense PVP of war and other characteristics of the player's favorite. At the same time, the game is gorgeous and varied clothing is an important factor to attract players. "Eyre light" in the week after the update, add a "Lucille" new fashion "and the sun god Soares ice machine". The suit is not only gorgeous, but also an excellent property...