新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李晨与张馨予分手石头恋终结 传因张馨予劈腿霍建华

李晨与张馨予分手石头恋终结 传因张馨予劈腿霍建华

Li Chen and Zhang Xinyu broke up when Zhang Xinyu stone love end splits Wallace Huo

2013-09-14 06:44:03来源: 爱哈密网

楚秀网讯:去年的七夕节李晨晒出心形石头向张馨予示爱,两人的恋情也正式曝光,自此以后两人经常大秀恩爱。今年七夕节张馨予又晒出一块有月亮团的肥皂,为爱人发声打气。这也成为了两人继爱心石头之后的新的定情信物。 但是俗话说晒恩爱死得快,与相恋时候一样,分手也是闹得满城风雨。近日张馨予就在微信...

Chu Xiu net news: last year July 7th day Li Chen sun a heart-shaped stone to Zhang Xinyu and love, two people relationship has formal exposure, since then two people often big Xiu love. This year July 7th Festival and Zhang Xinyu out of the sun has a moon mission soap, for love vocal cheer. It has also become the two after love stone after the new token. But as the saying goes, sun loving to die quickly, like love, breaking up is also cause uproar. Recently, Zhang Xinyu in micro message...