新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想ZUK Edge即将到来 今天14:00直播发布

联想ZUK Edge即将到来 今天14:00直播发布

Lenovo ZUK Edge the upcoming 14:00 live released today

2016-12-20 17:59:36来源: TechWeb

一直在曝光,也一直被期待的联想ZUK Edge手机终于要在今天下午14:00正式发布。值得关注的是,除了目前已得知的发布会城市武汉以外,此次线上发布会据称要在手机工厂里举行,这也是国内首场在手机工厂...

Have been exposed, also has been looking forward to lenovo ZUK Edge mobile phone is finally officially released in PM this afternoon. Notable is, in addition to the city of wuhan has learned that the conference, said the online conference held in mobile phone factory, this is the first in the domestic mobile phone factory...

标签: 直播