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以安全的名义 金立M6SPlus升级支付安全

In the name of security gionee M6SPlus pay security upgrade

2017-04-22 18:23:45来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】距离金立M6S Plus正式发布的日期越来越近了,金立昨天发布预热海报后,今天金立再发倒计时海报,正式公布了新机型在支付安全方面的特性。我们对手机支付并不陌生,那么这次金立M6S...

Distance IT168 information 】 【 gionee M6S Plus more and more closer to the release date, gionee released yesterday after preheating posters, gionee today again hair countdown posters, formally announced the characteristics of the new models in payment security. Mobile payment is not strange to us, then the gionee M6S...