新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉这家民办高校把院士请来为企业“驻站”搞研发


The private university in Wuhan invited academicians to research and develop enterprises.

2016-09-28 15:08:15来源: 荆楚网

揭牌现场。通讯员供图 荆楚网消息(记者徐芳 通讯员吴田芳)9月27日,湖北君集水处理有限公司设立的院士专家工作站正式揭牌。中国工程院院士李圭白受聘为院士专家工作站特聘院士,城市水资源开发利用(北...

The unveiling scene. The correspondent for the picture of the Jingchu network (reporter Xu Fang Wu Tianfang) in September 27th, the academician expert workstation set up by the Hubei Jun water treatment Co., Ltd. was officially unveiled. Li Guibai, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, was appointed academician expert workstation specially appointed academician.