新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海陆空被你承包了!玩转蛮荒搜神记异兽战场


Land, sea and air is contracting by you! How to play the wild immortals animals battlefield

2017-08-14 18:22:22来源: 叶子猪游戏网

上古奇书《山海经》所记载令人匪夷所思的上古神兽,不仅外形奇特、性格迥异, 并且拥有许多让人意想不到的超自然技能。畅游次时代MMORPG《蛮荒搜神记》重现《山海经》百余只珍稀异兽,打造跨越海陆空的上古...

As recorded in ancient writing shanhaijing inconceivable in the ancient god beast, not just strange appearance, personality, and have many unexpected supernatural abilities. Swim time era MMORPG "immortals" wild, recreate the shanhaijing hundreds of rare animals, only build of ancient across the land, sea and air...