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剑灵武器成长的回顾 玩家感叹物是人非

The growth of the sword of the spirit weapons reviewing the player said much transformed

2015-05-19 17:13:17来源: 多玩游戏

我是在高三时候发现的剑灵,那时候同位也是游戏迷,也喜欢上了这个游戏,如今四年过去了,不知道他玩没玩这个游戏,唉,物是人非啊。 剑灵武器的更迭可以说非常多的,虽然首测没有参加,但是我可以说也是陪伴了剑灵两年,经历过抢码时代,也有过得到码的惊喜,也忍痛排过一天的队伍,也无脑的刷过角,没日...

I is found in the third year when the sword of the spirit, the parity is also a fan of the game, like the the game. Now, four years later, do not know he nothing to play this game, alas, much transformed. The sword of the spirit weapon of change can be said very much, although the first test did not attend, but I can be said also to accompany the sword of the spirit, for two years, experienced grab the code era, also had code surprise, reluctantly Pai day team, no brain brush off angle, no th...

标签: 玩家