新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《游戏王》手办玩起恶搞风 武藤游戏穿裙子毫无违..

《游戏王》手办玩起恶搞风 武藤游戏穿裙子毫无违..

"Game king" hand do play a spoof the wind Muto game wear a skirt no breach..

2016-06-08 14:50:39来源: 漫域联播

对于喜欢收集周边产品的动画迷来说,手办绝对是不容错过的收藏品了吧?而前段时间,《游戏王》推出了初代人物的新剧场版,这也引发了不少《游戏王》粉丝们的关注。不过近日有日本网友给武藤游戏的手办穿上了裙子,结果发现毫无违和感。 对于喜欢收集周边产品的动画迷来说,手办绝对是不容错过的收藏品了吧?...

For cartoon fans like to collect peripheral products, hand to do is not to be missed the collection? And some time ago, the king of the game launched in the early generation of new theatrical version of the characters, it also triggered a lot of "game king" fans attention. But recently have net friend give Japan muto game hands do put on a skirt, we found that there is no acosmia feeling. For cartoon fans like to collect peripheral products, hand to do is not to be missed the collection? ...

标签: 游戏