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梦幻西游手游暑假神兽免费领 首冲送大圣

Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games summer animal free collar first washed down the Mahatma

2015-08-05 16:04:36来源: 4399

新一轮暑假活动来啦!快来梦幻西游手游里一起抢神兽吧~首冲还送齐天大圣孙悟空哦!还在等什么,快来和4399挽歌一起跃身到梦幻西游手游暑假活动里吧! 活动时间:2015年8月1日-2015年8月31日24点 活动对象:在擂台争霸赛决赛中发弹幕的玩家 活动内容:活动期间,每次擂台争霸赛...

new round of summer activities! Come together to grab the animal Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games ~ first red monkey gave Sun Wukong oh! What are you waiting for, come together to step 4399 and a Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games summer activities! Activity time: August 2015 1, 2015 August 31, 24 active objects: in the Arena Tournament Final hair barrage of player activity content: during the event, each in the boxing ring match.

标签: 手游 梦幻西游