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Melee is the kingly way? Mirror's edge: catalyst new information public

2015-07-17 12:46:25来源: 新浪

PS4和Xbox One强大的性能让开发者有机会实现自己原来根本没法实现的创意。《镜之边缘:催化剂》就是EA DICE最具有野心的一部作品,这也是为什么没法在上世代完成的原因。 在最近的一次采访中,EA DICE总经理Patrick Bach谈论了他们为什么不去做续集,以及主机如何让...

PS4 and Xbox one strong performance so that developers have the opportunity to achieve their original simply can not achieve the creative. The edge of the mirror: catalyst is the most ambitious work of DICE EA, which is the reason why there is no reason to be finished in the last generation. In a recent interview, DICE EA, general manager of Bach Patrick, talked about why they didn't do the sequel, and how the host made it...