新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《2048》开发商新作《英雄跑跑》登陆ios


The 2048 "developers new" hero, "landing ios

2015-07-14 14:37:09来源: 07073游戏网

去年大热游戏《2048》的开发商Ketchapp近日推出新作,《英雄跑跑》正式上架App Store。 从游戏的名字《英雄跑跑》我们就可以看出,游戏的玩法主要就是奔跑了,主角是一只绑着红头绳的小黑鸡,玩家所要做的非常简单,就是左右滑动屏幕来控制它躲避从天而降的黑球。虽然玩法单一,却极...

last year's hot game" 2048 "developers Ketchapp recently launched a new," hero, "officially shelves in the app store. From the name of the game "hero," we can see, the gameplay is mainly run, the protagonist is a tied with red Tousheng black chicken, the player has to do is very simple is about slide the screen to control it to avoid the globe from the sky. Although play a single, but very...

标签: iOS