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4399游戏吧六周年伴我同行 成长回忆有你

4399 games. The sixth anniversary with my peers memories growing up you

2015-07-11 11:21:40来源: 4399

小时候,我们跳房子、捉迷藏,无拘无束;上学后,我们帮助爱吃蘑菇的马里奥救出碧奇公主;长大后,一部《仙剑》带我们初入仙侠世界,体验爱情的细腻……如今,一部哆啦A梦又再次带我们回到童年,成长总有回忆相伴,你的游戏生涯又是从哪里开始? 六周年时光荏苒,尽管我们已告别稚嫩,而4399游戏吧依然...

when I was a child, we jump house, hide and seek, unrestrained; after school, we help to eat mushrooms Mario rescued princess peach; grew up, a "legend" we are entering the immortal chivalrous swordsman world, romantic delicate... Now, a duo! A dream again took us back to the childhood, grow there is always accompanied by memories, your career is where to start? The sixth anniversary of the time flies, although we have bid farewell to childish, and 4399 games it still...

标签: 游戏