新关注 > 信息聚合 > 躺着夺冠?马竞若夺欧冠冠军J马将能拿冠军奖牌


Lying won? Jingruo horse to win the Champions League J horse will win the championship medals

2016-05-27 14:31:39来源: 网易

网易体育5月27日报道: 虽然J马现在在恒大的日子并不好过,但是据《阿斯》报报道,如果马竞在欧冠决赛击败皇马,他也会得到一块冠军奖牌。因为根据欧足联规定,“一位球员必须在比赛中踢至少一分钟,他才能被视为是冠军。”由于加盟恒大之前,J马代表马竞踢过欧冠,因此J马也能获得冠军奖牌。 上一...

Netease sports reported on May 27: Although J horse now in rival day does not feel better, but "ASI" the newspaper reported, if Atletico Madrid in the Champions League final defeat of Real Madrid, he will get a winner's medal. Because according to UEFA rules, "a player must play at least one minute in the game, he can be regarded as a champion." Since joining Hengda before, J horse race on behalf of the European Champions League, so J horse can win the championship medal. On one...