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大海战副本野队攻略 四人小队文字攻略

Great Battle copy text field team four teams Raiders Raiders

2016-04-27 00:17:45来源: 多玩游戏

只说给那些天天打海战还拿炮打刀斧手的人。 这个副本短时间内还是很火的,因为很多人的小号也开始弄装备了,我每天4个号组野队一般能投来5-10个,也有投到4个的时候。 下面说说怎么打,我只简单说...

Just say to those who fight every day to get further naval gun fight slasher person. Fire is still very short time this copy, because many people have begun to get equipped with a trumpet, I daily 4 number group field team generally cast 5-10, also has invested four times. Here to talk about how to fight, I would simply say ...