新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨威儿子“示爱”黄磊女儿:赚100万给你买裙子


Yang Wei son "affection" the daughter of Huang Lei: Earn 1000000 to buy you a dress

2014-06-23 18:17:17来源: 中国青年网

杨阳洋现场示爱黄多多引爆笑 首期节目好评不断,“爸爸去哪儿2”(以下简称“爸爸2”)全员6月22日集体亮相长沙录制“快乐大本营”。在节目中分工合作,节目外的爸爸们做游戏、拼厨艺绝不示弱。 首...

Yang Yangyang live love yellow lot drawing comedy first show well received, "where daddy went to 2" (hereinafter referred to as the "father of 2") full June 22nd collective appearance Changsha recording "happy base camp". Division of labor in the program, the program outside of the dads do games, cooking does not show weakness spell. The first...