新关注 > 信息聚合 > 夏窗遇冷?英超火爆皇马沉寂 能有1亿先生吗?

夏窗遇冷?英超火爆皇马沉寂 能有1亿先生吗?

Window in summer and cold? Mr Premier hot real silence to have 100 million?

2016-07-18 12:45:05来源: 新浪

扎卡是目前欧洲转会市场的标王 新浪体育讯 欧洲杯的硝烟已经散去,各大豪门上周末陆续开始进行热身赛,备战新赛季的各项赛事。无论是希望延续上赛季的辉煌还是盼望着摆脱过去一年的颓势,各队在转会市场上都...

Card is the European market has Sina sports - euro smoke is gone, the giants have begun a friendly last weekend, preparing for the new season all competitions. Both want a continuation of last season and are looking forward to get rid of the weakness in the past year, teams in the transfer market are...