新关注 > 信息聚合 > 清华女学霸转身做主播 当“正能量”网红不丢人

清华女学霸转身做主播 当“正能量”网红不丢人

Tsinghua students with excellent female performance turned around anchor when "positive energy" red net is not a disgrace

2017-06-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年的夏天,第一代“95后”大学毕业生即将步入职场。而在一则关于“95后”最向往的新兴职业的调查中,54%的票投给了主播、网红。 前段时间“清华女学霸转身做主播”的新闻在社会上引发了巨大的非议。 这则新闻的主角曾是2006年内蒙古高考理科状元,本科毕业于清华大学建筑学院,硕士研究生就读于北京大学。履历傲人的她,却“委身”游戏主播之职。她说,在人们印象中,游戏主播应该很轻松,“就是打打游戏、卖卖萌嘛”。但实际并非如此。游戏直播其实很残酷,每天表现的好坏,都会直观地在数字上体现出来。 网红,即网络红人,他们满足了网民猎奇、娱乐、刺激等心理需求,有意或无意间受到网络世界的追捧。网红可以...

In the summer of 2017, the first generation of "95 after" college graduates going into the workplace. In the story about "95 after" the most desirable emerging professional survey, 54% of the vote with anchor, mesh red. Recently, "tsinghua university female students better turn do anchor" news led to a huge criticism in society. The leading role of the news was in Inner Mongolia in 2006 college entrance examination science top, undergraduate course graduation from tsinghua university school of architecture, master graduate student studying in Beijing university. CV is proud of her, but "commitment" to the host. In people's impression, she says, the game host should be easy, "is to play computer games, selling eruption". But it is not the case. Game live actually very cruel, the stand or fall of performance every day, will be directly reflected on the Numbers. Red, namely Internet sensation, they satisfy the users seek novelty, entertainment, stimulation, such as psychological needs, intentionally or inadvertently been a favourite of the online world. Web celebrity can...

标签: 主播