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Naughty dog: good competition make SONY's studio, make progress together

2018-12-30 09:50:38来源: 游戏时光

近日,顽皮狗工作室的艺术总监John Sweeney和传媒总监Arne Meyer接受了《Fami通》的采访,简单地聊了聊和索尼其他工作室的关系。两人都在采访中表示会玩其他工作室的游戏,Meyer表示这些游戏让自己发现新的可能性,而且当玩这些游戏时,会感到超越他们的压力。《战神》《漫威蜘蛛侠》和《地平线 零之曙光》都激励了他去把《最后生还者 第二幕》做得更好。 Sweeney则表示这些新游戏设置了一道他想要跨越的栅栏,鼓励他去思考自己的办法。《战神》的出色让顽皮狗也感到了压力Meyer告诉采访者,索尼第一方工作室之间是存在竞争的,不过这种竞争是合作式的而非对抗式的。如果另一家索尼的工作室实现了...

Recently, the naughty dog studio art director John Sweeney and media director Arne Meyer was interviewed by the Fami tong, chatted briefly and SONY other studios. They both said in an interview will play the game of other studios, Meyer said these games allow yourself to discover new possibilities, and when to play these games, would be beyond their pressure. "God of war", "flood wei spider-man and the dawn of the horizon zero are encouraged him to take the last survivor The second act, to do better. Sweeney said these new games set up a fence he wanted to cross, encouraged him to think about my own way. "The warlords" excellent naughty dog also feel the pressure Meyer told the interviewer, SONY studio is there is competition between the first party, but the competition is cooperative rather than the adversary. If another SONY studio realized...

标签: 索尼